Tuesday, September 13, 2016

It's the Village that Counts, not the Pitch

 It's the Village that Counts, not the Pitch

Benito Mussolini

The curse of the Enlightenment on Western values is that there is something called reason, rationality, and logic which govern action.   If an argument is not reasonable, irrational or illogical, it is invalid, and inapplicable.  Its underlying assumption is that everything is reducible into measurable, relevant, consistent and accurate labels for reality, that can be consistently added, subtracted, contrasted, combined, allocated, dispersed, and/or measured to good use.   

Descartes didn’t know ducks. The Irrationality of Reason

It is concentrated into what is called, mental as in conscious, subconscious, and unconscious manipulations in a lump of nerves called the brain (cerebral cortex).  Were that true, decapitation would be an irritation.  Were that true, an erection would be irrelevant, and the flu clueless.  One cannot have a head without a tail.  And that includes the Autonomic Nervous as an example of one of many biological systems networked to keep us alive and kicking.

Or the need for “Stifficade”:

The central function in all life is to survive, day to day, and generation to generation.  Breed and Feed, Dinner and a Date, Laid and Paid, and to ensure that, species develop Roles, Rules and Tools to make that happen.  Failure is starvation or extinction.

And that requires an audience of a critical mass of male and females who breed a critical mass of children to survive to puberty.  And that’s a family, and a village of families who have Roles, Rules and Tools to survive.  From the outside, the village is the audience. 
The Eternal Drama between Victim, Rescuer and Prosecutor

And some villages aren’t listening, some have heard it all, and others soak it up like a Magical Elixir (Beer).  This we have in terrorism, radical polarization, and drug addiction. Depending how the Rules and Tools serve the Roles related to Survival (Village wise).
Rules applicable to all forms of life, coded in culture and DNA.
 The core of the Trump audience is made of the inheritors of the Scot Irish driven from Scotland to Ireland to Appalachia because they didn’t listen to the arrogant, erudite, socially elite, and utterly corrupt.  The more erudite, arrogant, and elitist the arguments are, the more corrupt they must be.

17th Century Version of the MBA

And some villages, like families are dysfunctional and/or broken into competing parts.  The street gang, the drug den, high schools, corporations, and political parties are part family, part village, and a part of something else.  The more arrogant, erudite, and elitist the arguments be, the battered and beaten shoot back at. 

Selling soap to the Unwashed is problematic.  Selling the Oxymoronic eventually reaches Cognitive Dissonance, and every once in a while, Rage.  Selling the notion that some people are more equal than others became normalized about 1984. Orwell is crying.  The village is dying.

The Pitchfork and Torches are marching.  


OBTW - Watch the body language which language is far more effective than words.




  1. this is a rather generalized writing... unconvinced one CAN reduce Trump audience to Scot - Irish, as a matter of fact, I know new Chinese highly commi-educated workers love Trump as well... hard to fathom that, right?

    1. Trump lacks a central plan that other dictators used successfully such as Stalin, Saddam, Hitler or FDR, He does use division of responsibility into conflicting and overlapping mandates

  2. Thanks for your encouraging remarks
